Rank #11
TRX Price Chart
TRX Rolling Returns
Performance over different time periods, calculated on a rolling basis to show consistent patterns.
Pair | 30d | 90d | 180d | 1y | 3y | 5y |
TRX | 2.00% | 28.65% | 29.92% | 50.93% | 49.64% | 728.25% |
Buy and Hold Strategy
Buy and hold is a strategy where you buy a cryptocurrency and hold it for a long time. The idea is that you believe in the long-term potential of the cryptocurrency and that its price will increase over time.
Buy and Hold Performance:
Initial Value: $1,000.00
Final Value: $4,710.82
Return: 371.08%
Portfolio Rebalancing Strategy
An 80/20 portfolio strategy involves investing 80% of your assets in the cryptocurrency and keeping 20% in cash. The portfolio is rebalanced monthly if the ratio deviates by more than 10%. A trading cost of 0.2% is applied to each rebalancing transaction.
Portfolio Performance:
Initial Value: $1,000.00
Final Value: $3,756.39
Return: 275.64%
Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) Strategy
This Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) strategy involves investing $50 in cryptocurrency every 7 days, regardless of the asset's price. This approach helps reduce the impact of market volatility by spreading out investments over time. A 0.2% trading cost is applied to each trade.
DCA Strategy Performance:
Initial Cash: $1,000.00
Total Invested: $1,000.00
Number of Trades: 20
Final Value: $3,988.16
Return: 298.82%